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"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true." - Greg Reid
We at myMoneySage believe that advice is not client-centric unless it is comprehensive therefore our approach is holistic as well as asset class & product agnostic, At myMoneySage, we leverage factors that can more reliably contribute to better portfolio returns and investor outcomes, below are the factors in the order of importance and their contribution to investment returns.
At myMoneySage, we always choose the investment strategy that is right for you. Our strategic decisions are based on the global factors, sector-wise factors and asset-wise factors that can influence your portfolio.
Our tactical decisions are based on various factors
Tax loss harvesting
Strategic and tactic asset allocation
We optimize the tax outgo on your investments by using tax-sensitive asset allocation approach, and by taking advantage of tax-loss harvesting when the opportunity presents.
This is the excess return that an investor earns by being well-behaved. Whereas the rest of the world focuses on the market alpha by timing the market, we at myMoneySage focus on both market Alpha & Behavioural Alpha to generate reliable investment outcomes. We leverage Artificial Intelligence & Behavioural Science to mitigate investor biases & increase investor returns. We understand that human beings are predictably irrational, they change the course of their financial plan based on newspaper headlines. mymoneysage, powered by AI & Behavioural science categorizes clients based on their behavior and nudges/anchors them to stay on course and stick to the plan.
Asset Allocation is the process that more than any other determines the long-term success or failure of an investment portfolio. Time and again it has been proven that asset allocation plays a critical role than security selection in generating returns to the investment portfolio. Asset allocation is the part of your investment strategy that dictates how much of your wealth you place in broad asset classes like Equity, Debt, Gold, and Real estate. Our AI & Behavioural science powered intelligent asset allocation strategy reduces the overall risk of the portfolio thereby increasing the return per unit of risk.
Investing is a zero-sum game, needless to say lower the expense ratio of managing investments, higher will be the returns for the investor. We build portfolios that are efficient and lower-cost with products like Direct MF, Index funds & ETFs.
Our AI & ML powered Fund/security screener looks into millions of qualitative as well as quantitative data points that not only evaluate the past performance but also identify the future potential.
Tax planning is not a stand-alone activity at myMoneySage, we see that the entire process of investment planning and execution is tax-efficient resulting in increased tax-adjusted returns.
"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true." - Greg Reid